
For people who deal with sensitive information.
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About Pfortner

Pfortner was founded in 2008, as a proudly South African ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER with a wholly owned suite of technologies supporting Enterprise Level Secure Communications.

We develop security focused business systems that deliver encrypted communication solutions to our clientele in the public and private sectors.

Well known for our patented STEALTH technology we have deployed solutions in 15 countries and continue to grow our footprint and product portfolio. The team have an accumulated 274+ years of information security solutions development and we work closely with our partners and customers to solve real world problems using technology.

We participate in the creation of an internet that respects the right to information, individual privacy and technology for the betterment of mankind.

Countries Deployed

Years Of Combined Experience

Secured Transactions Per Year


Our Purpose

We protect our clientele by

building simple yet profound technology solutions;

securing communication that our clientele considers private;

and always providing our clientele with total data ownership.